Windsor at Cambridge Park
Snow Removal 112024 – 032027
160 Cambridge Park DriveCambridge, Massachusetts 02140
Property Details
398 Units
Opportunity Details
Provide snow maintenance services to all driveways and parking areas Any hauling of snow from the site or within the site boundaries is not included in this pricing and will require an approved change order PO from Windsor Cambridge Park prior to removal All services rendered on site shall be completed on a time and material basis as outlined below 4×4 Pickup with Plow1 Ton Truck with Plow and Spreader2 Ton Truck with Plow and SpreaderTri-Axle Dump TruckRubber Tire Loader Backhoe LoaderSkid steer Loader Track Loader Snow Blower Laborer Calcium Chloride per bag Bulk Salt per ton Treat Parking Lots with Road Salt
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